Realizeit Webinar
Breaking Down the Onboarding Challenge: How Personalized Learning is the Answer
In this webinar, David Wentworth, Principal Analyst with Brandon Hall Group, and Manoj Kulkarni, CEO of Realizeit Learning, discuss what goes into creating an engaging and productive onboarding experience that excites new hires and sets the table for a successful career path of learning. Understand where to focus your onboarding improvements and learn how to leverage intelligence and automation to improve learning, engage both new hires and their support network, and ensure new hires are competent and ready to work.
The discussion breaks down onboarding into its key components, sharing how the right technology can personalize the experience with less effort:
• Keep new hires engaged throughout the Onboarding process
• Develop new hires to be job-ready
• Mitigate risk through role-based skills validation
• Improve manager support during the onboarding process